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I was clearing the spare room today trying to find space for all my new Christmas presents, throwing everything I no longer wanted into bags ready for the charity shop. Whenever I do this I always debate in my head whether I should sell some of the stuff on eBay, but the charity shop always wins as I am too lazy to list everything on eBay. So with my renewed motivation for all things money making this time I decided to give eBay a go.
It’s been over 6 months since I last wrote on this blog so I don’t blame you for asking ‘what happened?’. I guess the simple answer is that I lost motivation but it’s far harder to explain why, although I will try by describing the story so far (and where I go from here).
They always say the first step in overcoming your addiction is to admit the fact that you are addicted so here I am admitting to the world that I am addicted to gadgets. However I have no need to overcome this addiction because one day I’ll be a millionaire, well that’s good in principle but as it stands today today I am not a millionaire and therefore do not have plenty of money to satisfy my addiction. Read on to find out what I purchased this time…
I finally got paid today for the mystery shopping that I did at Liquid nightclub back in April. The reason for the delay was my fault not GapBuster as I had forgot to give them my payment details! So I can finally add the £18 that I earned to my total.
So my run of bad luck with the horses continues, our of six races I only got to make one smug trip back to the bookies to claim my winnings and that was for the 8/13 clear favourite Yeats in the Gold Cup.