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Gym sheds more than just pounds of fat

Back at the start of the year I wrote about my plans to give up the gym to save money, however this plan was thwarted when Fitness First offered to substantially reduce my monthly fee for 3 months. Now that the fee has gone back up to £31.25 per month I have finally given up my gym membership after being a member for 3 years at a total cost of over £1000.


Victory in the Broadband switching battle

Having already switched my electricity supplier and mobile phone operator in recent months it was now time to turn my attention to my broadband supplier. This switch was to prove far more difficult and time consuming than the previous two.

Selecting a new provider was easy as O2 were offering me a years free broadband as one of their existing mobile customers. Their offer was perfect as it was four times faster than my current package with Pipex and most importantly for me had no download limits.


What price for my loyalty (mobile phones)

imageI originally signed up with my current mobile phone provider when they were known as BT Cellnet, before I switched to their pay as you go service called BT Cellnet U, which was then renamed Genie, then they demerged from BT and became mmO2. That name was finally shortened to the company we know today as O2. As you can see we have a relationship that goes back a fair way, to be precise I have remained a loyal customer for over 9 years.

In a saturated market such as mobile phones loyalty is very valuable to the providers so when I called O2 today to tell them I was thinking of switching to Vodafone it was to be expected that they would try and offer me an improved deal to retain my custom.
