Current Balance = £3001.04

What I will do, where I’ll do it and when

A visit to the gym today reminded me just how challenging it can be to stick to new years resolutions. Just a few months ago it would only have been me and a few others in an otherwise deserted gym on a Sunday morning, but because it’s January there was probably ten times that amount this morning.

The lack of success in sticking to new years resolutions was backed up in a more scientific study by Professor Richard Wiseman who found that whilst half of those in his study believed they would be able to stick to their resolution, only 12% had been successful come the end of the year. 

As MillionaireAdventure started off as a new years resolution I thought it would be a good idea to follow his advice that I should think through exactly what I will do, where I will do it and when.

So I will pursue every opportunity to become a millionaire and I will write about it at least once a week here on this blog. Here’s hoping that this is specific enough to help me become one of those 12% that succeed.